P.R.I.M.E. Finance Welcomes Twenty-Five New Members to its Panel of Experts

P.R.I.M.E. Finance has confirmed twenty-five new appointments to its renowned Panel of Experts.
P.R.I.M.E. Finance (the Hague-based Panel of Recognised International Market Experts in Finance)
has confirmed twenty-five new appointments to its List of Experts from thirteen different countries,
including a former Minister of Treasury and Finance, Minister for Defence and Minister of Justice
(Luxembourg), the President of the EFTA Court (Switzerland), a retired Lord Justice of Appeal
(England and Wales), and the Chairman of the Board of Piraeus Bank (Greece). P.R.I.M.E. Finance is
thrilled to include these experienced individuals from diverse financial and legal backgrounds on its list
of experts.
The Panel is currently composed of more than 130 experts in total with more than 4,000 years of
collective relevant market and legal experience.
P.R.I.M.E. Finance, which opened its doors in 2012, joined forces with the Permanent Court of
Arbitration (PCA), also based in The Hague, in 2015. P.R.I.M.E. Finance's filing address is now the
Peace Palace in The Hague. The arbitrations may take place anywhere in the world, and may be
facilitated by the PCA's host country agreements with a number of its member states. As a result,
parties to complex financial transactions will have easier access to arbitration and mediation to resolve
their disputes.
The twenty-five new members of the Panel are:
- André Andersson, Partner, Mannheimer Swartling
- Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Carl Baudenbacher, President, EFTA Court
- Joseph Bauman, Affiliate, Rutter Associates; former Chief Administrative Officer, Athilon Group Holdings Corp.; former Chief Financial Officer, Primus Guaranty Ltd.; former Chairman, International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA)
- Adrian Beltrami KC, Barrister, Joint Head of Chambers, 3VB Chambers
- Henning Bruttel, former Managing Director, Capital Markets Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein
- Pedro Cardigos, Partner, CARDIGOS
- Manuel Conthe, Independent Arbitrator; former Of-Counsel at Bird & Bird; former Chairman of Spain’s Securities & Exchange Commission (CNMV)
- Sir Peter Cresswell, former English High Court Judge; Judge of the Qatar International Court; 3VB Chambers
- G. Massimiliano Danusso, Partner, BonelliErede
- Matti Engelberg, Senior Advisor, Hannes Snellman Attorneys Ltd
- Luc Frieden, Partner, Elvinger Hoss Prussen, Luxembourg; former Minister of Treasury and Finance, Minister for Defence and Minister of Justice
- Matthew Gearing KC, Global Co-Head, International Arbitration Group, Partner, Allen & Overy, Hong Kong; Incoming Chairman, Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre
- Frank Graaf, Partner and Head of the Financial Regulatory and Derivatives Group, Clifford Chance LLP
- George Handjinicolaou, Chairman of the Board, Piraeus Bank; former Deputy CEO, International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA)
- Mark Hapgood KC, Barrister, Brick Court Chambers
- Holger Hartenfels, Managing Director, Associate General Counsel, Deutsche Bank AG
- Maria João Martins Parreira Ferreira Leite, Secretary-General, Agência de Gestão da Tesouraria e da Dívida Pública – IGCP (Portuguese Treasury and Debt Management Agency)
- Professor Carlo Mottura, Professor, University Roma Tre
- Professor Loukas Mistelis, Director, School of International Arbitration, Queen Mary University
- Kirsti Niinisalo-Snowden, former Head of Legal Services and Regulatory Affairs, Nordea Bank AB
- Professor Dr. Peter Nobel, Founding Partner, Nobel & Hug
- Professor Sir Bernard Rix, retired Lord Justice of Appeal (England and Wales); Professor of International Commercial Law, Queen Mary University; 20 Essex Street; Judge, the Cayman Islands Court of Appeal; Judge, the Singapore International Commercial Court
- Professor René Smits, Independent Consultant; Professor of the Law of the Economic and Monetary Union, University of Amsterdam; Alternate member of the Administrative Board of Review, European Central Bank; former General Counsel, the Netherlands Central Bank
- Janet Thomas, Managing Director, Infinity Capital Partners
- Don Thompson, Retiring Managing Director and Associate General Counsel, JPMorgan Chase
You can see the full Press Release of 5 January 2017 here.
Contact for the Media
For more information on the complete list of experts and further details about the foundation, please
refer to the website: www.primefinancedisputes.org. For further information about this press release,
please contact the Head of Secretariat, Camilla Perera – De Wit, via telephone: +31 70 302 4159 or via
email: c.perera@primefinancedisputes.org or Jeffrey Golden, P.R.I.M.E Finance Chairman, via
telephone number +44 7785 500811 or via email: j.golden@primefinancedisputes.org